Two Phases - From Friday December 18th to January 10th
First Phase (From Saturday December 12th to Thursday December 17th) ▶ ️ They come into effect at midnight from Friday to Saturday 🚦...
ZON EN ENERGIE: NUTTIGE INFORMATIE Onze sympatizant Onrenewables, specialist in zonnepanelen en
ZON EN ENERGIE: NUTTIGE INFORMATIE Onze sympatizant Onrenewables, specialist in zonnepanelen en fotovoltaic instalaties geeft...
Nieuwe hypotheek wet in Spanje
Aproximación a la nueva ley de los contratos de crédito inmobiliario Por WeLex, su abogado en Marbella! Nuestro despacho de abogados en...
What is going on in Catalunya?
And the people spoke. And, as predicted, it is unclear what they said. Catalans voted on Sept. 27th their new regional government. Here,...
Successierechten regulieren
De wetten in Spanje die successierechten voor ingezetenen en niet-ingezetenen regulieren, verschilden van elkaar, waarbij de...
Europeans to get the Refund of the Spanish Inheritance Tax
In a very recent judgment (case C-127/12), the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) has ruled that Spain has breach the European Treaty...